health and welfare

美 [helθ ənd ˈwelfer]英 [helθ ənd ˈwelfeə(r)]
  • 健康与幸福
health and welfarehealth and welfare
  1. I 'm responsible for the health and welfare of everyone working here .


  2. Specific provisions under the labour legislation protect their safety , health and welfare .


  3. Investigation and Study of Broiler Breeders ' Health and Welfare under Intensive Production Systems


  4. The physical and psychological health and welfare of the animals is paramount .


  5. Health and welfare improved and the Maori population rose .


  6. All handling and veterinary treatment must ensure the health and welfare of the horse .


  7. From the early 1960s , local authorities were required to plan health and welfare services .


  8. The demographic pressures on health and welfare spending promise to make things even worse .


  9. The people in charge of health and welfare had ceased to dispense either .


  10. The Secretary for health and welfare replied .


  11. Palliative care is now included in health and welfare legislation , and taught at medical schools .


  12. Apart from offering religious instruction , many major religious bodies have established schools and health and welfare facilities .


  13. I think it comes down to having different priorities and perceptions of rules and regulations and health and welfare .


  14. That is bad for the animals ' health and welfare , and equally bad for farmers ' profits .


  15. Is anyone aware of a website that will enable us to follow this poor little girls health and welfare ?


  16. All NOC accredited medical staff who are dealing with the health and welfare of their national athletes .


  17. The federal department that administers all federal programs dealing with health and welfare ; created in 1979 .


  18. With the development of intensive and large-scale livestock & poultry production systems , animal health and welfare have attracted extensive attention .


  19. The health and Welfare Bureau is responsible for , among others , the policy formulation and resource allocation for health in Hong kong .


  20. The quality of laboratory animal drinking water is a key factor to the health and welfare of laboratory animal , as well as reliability of experimental data .


  21. The new policy was devised by nine ministries including the Ministry of Health and Welfare and the Ministry of Education , Science and Technology .


  22. Tony Perkins , president of the family research council , says his first concern is for the health and welfare of the guard .


  23. We have faced hard decisions about peace and war , rising competition in the world economy , and the health and welfare of our citizens .


  24. The command center established by the central government includes representatives of the Environmental Protection Administration and the ministries of National Defense and Health and Welfare .


  25. A fourth , Hakuo Yanigisawa , the health and welfare minister , is certain to go .


  26. Losses of these toxic substances to the ambient water may lead to an adverse environment impact on the water quality and thus endanger public health and welfare .


  27. EDUCATION , HEALTH AND WELFARE SERVICES MANAGERS plan , organise , direct , control and coordinate the provision of childcare , health , welfare and education services .


  28. Cold stress is the most common stress factor to the animals in the cold region . Studies have demonstrated that cold stress could affect the health and welfare of animals .


  29. It 's some freakish garish beauty pageant that has nothing , frankly to do with health and welfare .


  30. The responsibility for formulating and carrying out government policies on social welfare rests with the Secretary for health and welfare and the director of social welfare , respectively .
